EazyTutors is India's leading online & offline tutoring company which enables students to learn from home, at institute or LIVE with some of India's best-curated teachers. EazyTutors USP is its quality of teachers.
It has some 5000+ teachers who have taught more than 1 Million hours to 40,000+ students spread across pune, mumbai, hyderabad, banglore and many cities from India. EazyTutors is founded by ??? who have been teachers themselves with over 13 years of teaching experience and having taught over 10,000 students.
EazyTutors online tutoring platform enables LIVE interactive learning between a teacher and a student. It offers individual and group classes. On EazyTutors a teacher is able to give personalized teaching using two-way audio, video and white boarding tools where both teacher and student are able to see, hear, write and interact in real-time. Imagine it like 'Skype' custom made for education. EazyTutors caters to KG grade to 12th grade and prepares for school boards, competitive examinations and has co-curricular courses as well.
Why we exist?
Teaching process has stayed the same for decades. The traditional teaching and offline education system are plagued with multiple inefficiencies.
Our vision at EazyTutors is to reimaging and evolves the way teaching and learning has been happening for decades. By combining quality teachers, engaging content and superior technology we are able to create a superior learning experience for students and aid in their outcome improvement, which is unlike any offline experience.
Teaching and learning are set to transform at a rapid pace and our mission at EazyTutors is to accelerate these transformations.
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